Complementary Therapies
Certainly, consider Traditional Chinese Medicine and five element acupuncturists. Rather interesting research for a variety of conditions is available.
"Acupuncture was the main therapy that really boosted my energy along with vegetable juices."

Flower Remedies
A number of flower remedies are available. Two types are:
Bach Flower Remedies –
Australian Bush Flower Remedies –
"Rescue remedy is a great remedy to help during times of shock and stress."

"I use herbs most days in cooking, juices and in teas!"

Similarly, kinesiologists use a ‘whole person’ and certainly a holistic approach.
Kinesiologists –
Cranial osteopathy may be useful for some injuries and certain chronic long-term conditions. Paediatric osteopathy which may include cranial osteopathy may be suitable for children. Besides, not all osteopaths use cranial osteopathy or do paediatric osteopathy.
"Cranial osteopathy and osteopathy were the key therapies that really helped my back and neck both after injuries and with a long term condition."